Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bread Stretchers, Springfield

One of the things I was most looking forward to on my trip to Springfield earlier this week was eating a sandwich at my old favorite, Bread Stretchers. I hoped the sandwiches would be as good as they were 4 years ago when I stopped working in Springfield. I was pleased to find their subs are even better now than they used to be. They have more bread choices and the wheat bread is delicious and soft. I ate a Chick's Pick (chicken salad) and really enjoyed it.

Bread Stretchers offers 9 inch sandwiches in a half load ($4.41) full load ($5.34) or the motherload ($7.52). You can also get salads, soups, and hot subs, but I stick to the cold subs.

I like to sit in a window seat and watch the downtown foot traffic. You can also scope out new places to explore because it seems almost every storefront has changed since I last ate at Bread Stretchers.

1 comment:

wookie said...

Have you tried Head West?