For my and B's first wedding anniversary we decided to buy bikes. But with B's height we couldn't just visit a big box store and buy something off the shelf, we needed to special order. Luckily a new bike store had just opened in Decatur in our neighborhood and we decided to scope it out. We were in luck! Spin City Cycles is owned by an enthusiastic young man who was so helpful in getting us fitted for bikes and choosing a combination of value and quality.
We both choose GIANT brand bikes and have been so happy with them the last 5 years. Whenever we needed a bike tune up we rode over to Spin City Cycles and got immediate friendly service. The staff is awesome and they are involved in the Decatur community. They have a large variety of biking supplies and if they don't have it, they can special order it fast.
One of the neat things about Spin City Cycles is that it is located in the Ralph's Pub building and when it was repurposed for the bike shop, Kyle kept the taps. When you need a bike or bike supplies, this west end shop is a great place to go.
I have this fantasy where we buy bikes and ride them on the trails at Cape Cod.
that'll be the day.
hey henny-
as part of my nablowofopo thing I am going to feature you as part of my "cutting costs" theme (for "making the most of your habitat-cheap thrills"). Is that okay? This is a fantastically written blog, very well researched. I want to make the point that you don't have to live in a huge big city to be surrounded by fun activities and beautiful nature (I think people in SoCal think the rest of the world is a deserted plain).
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